第 3 句因包含“蒿里”,據(jù)此推斷可能引用了典故:蒿里
波斯短歌行譯箋 其三 當(dāng)代 · 鐘錦
七言絕句 押真韻
注:○一唱雄雞:毛澤東《浣溪沙·和柳亞子先生》:“一唱雄雞天下白?!鄙w用李賀《致酒行》:“雄雞一聲天下白。”○蒿里:《漢書·廣陵厲王劉胥傳》:“蒿里召兮郭門閱,死不得取代庸,身自逝。”顏師古注:“蒿里,死人里?!惫视脼?span id="tlczc08" class='bold'>挽歌名。晉崔豹《古今注·音樂》:“亦謂人死魂魄歸于蒿里……使挽柩者歌之,世呼為挽歌?!贝司渥g原文“吾輩但得稍留耳,一旦行,恐不能復(fù)歸矣?!北艘杂?span id="ygnp7eq" class='bold'>浮生耳?!?span id="i6pg8l5" class='bold'>有限身:李敬方《勸酒》:“日日無窮事,區(qū)區(qū)有限身?!鄙w客子所叩者,酒舍也。
And, as the Cock crew, those who stood before
The Tavern shouted—"Open then the Door!
You know how little while we have to stay,
And, once departed, may return no more."
And, as the Cock crew, those who stood before
The Tavern shouted—"Open then the Door!
You know how little while we have to stay,
And, once departed, may return no more."